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Self Directed Retirement Plans Blog

What Should Your Net Worth Be When You Retire?

What Should Your Net Worth Be When You Retire?

Ever just sit back and ponder about that whole net worth thing being your undercover ally for a cozy retirement? It’s way more than just sneaking a peek at your savings account; it’s about hugging all aspects of your dough and assets. According to the Federal Reserve’s latest survey of Consumer Finances in 2019, if you’re between 55 and 64, your average and median net worth is quite revealing. The median net worth stands at around $212,500. But hold on, if we talk about the average net worth of Americans, it shoots up to a cool $1,175,900. Median and and average can be confusing. Average is where everyone’s numbers are added up and divided by that number. Mean (average) is the middle value meaning some are lower and some are higher.

While you’re enjoying your drink and letting those numbers swirl around in your mind, you might be wondering whether your retirement savings are doing the job. Are your retirement savings smoothly pacing towards your goals, or perhaps could they use a little friendly financial boost to get them on track? This guide isn’t just a bunch of pages; think of it as your financial travel buddy, navigating the winding roads of net worth during those golden retirement years. We’ll peel back the layers together, exploring the elements that spice things up, and dish out some solid tips to help mold your retirement dreams into something palpably real.

Definition of Retirement Net Worth & Factors Contributing to Retirement Average Net Worth

Retirement Net Worth


Understanding the retirement net worth and the elements that shape it is pivotal. Let’s explore the components that contribute to this vital financial metric. Additionally, we’ll delve into the significant influence of expenses on determining your retirement net worth.

        • Savings and Investments

          Savings and Investments take center stage when building your high net worth. These financial assets play a pivotal role in securing your retirement future. You can significantly enhance your financial well-being by diligently saving and making smart choices. By consistently contributing to your retirement accounts, using retirement planning tools, and making wise choices, you can increase your household net worth over time you retire.

        • Social Security Benefits

          Social Security Benefits are a government program providing a steady income stream to eligible retirees, serving as a crucial financial cushion during retirement. To calculate your expected social security benefits, you must consider factors such as your earnings history and the age group at which you plan to start receiving benefits. Understanding the ins and outs of Social Security can significantly impact your overall financial plan for retirement.

        • Pensions and Annuities

          Pensions are retirement plans typically sponsored by employers, guaranteeing retirees a portion of their pre-retirement income. On the other hand, annuities are contracts you can purchase that offer a stream of payments, often for life. Understanding how to optimize and manage your pensions and annuities is essential for maximizing your retirement net worth.

        • Other Income Sources

          Beyond traditional savings and retirement accounts, other Income Sources can significantly impact your Retirement Net Worth. These sources encompass various avenues to contribute to your retirement financial security.Other Income Sources may include:

          – Rental income from real estate investments.
          – Income from part-time employment.
          – Even income generated from a side business.

          Diversifying your sources of retirement income can help spread financial risk and enhance your overall net worth.

        • The Role of Expenses in Determining Net Worth

          In your retirement planning journey, it’s crucial to accumulate savings and investments; expenses influence your financial well-being equally. You can stretch your retirement nest egg further by budgeting wisely and controlling your living costs. Your net worth isn’t just about what you’ve saved; it’s about how efficiently you allocate those resources.

      Examining and optimizing your expenses is a strategic move in securing a comfortable retirement. This process ensures that your retirement worth grows and serves as a reliable financial cushion throughout living expenses in retirement.

      Setting Retirement Savings Goals

      Retirement Savings Goals


      Retirement savings goals guide your financial journey toward retirement. It’s not merely about stashing away money but crafting a financial plan that aligns with your retirement dreams and aspirations. Let’s dive into the art of goal-setting and secure your retirement future.

      Assessing Your Retirement Lifestyle

      Before you embark on your retirement savings journey, you need to understand your retirement vision, as it directly impacts your financial goals. It helps determine how much you need to save to support your desired lifestyle, ensuring your retirement net worth aligns with your dreams. For example, you might be interested in retiring in Florida. By assessing your retirement lifestyle early on, you can set realistic financial goals and work towards the retirement you’ve always envisioned.

      Calculating Retirement Expenses

      Considering you will no longer earn a salary you need to calculate retirement expenses so you get to know how much you need to save for retirement. These expenses contain your daily living costs, healthcare, and other financial commitments. By looking at your expected retirement expenses, you can set realistic financial goals tailored to your unique situation.

      Setting Realistic Financial Goals for Retirement

      Setting realistic financial goals is about quantifying your needs and crafting a roadmap. By considering factors like your net worth, expected expenses, and potential sources of income, you can tailor your financial goals to your unique circumstances.

      Evaluating Your Current Financial Situation

      Evaluating Your Current Financial Situation


      The current financial situation is the first crucial step toward a secure retirement. This evaluation provides the foundation for making informed decisions and setting a course for a brighter financial future in your year of retirement.

      Calculating Your Current Net Worth by Age (Assets, Liabilities)

      First, find your net worth calculation, which is the pivotal starting point. This calculation is essential as your net worth tends to peak as you near retirement. Once your net worth is calculated, you gain valuable insights into your current financial standing. Then you need to assess your assets and liabilities, and account balance plan to retire confidently. Assets enclose everything you own, from savings accounts to the value of your assets. On the other hand, liabilities include debts like mortgages and loans.

      Identifying Areas for Improvement

      You need to identify areas for improvement to consider asset protection planning. This involves strategies to safeguard your hard-earned assets from potential risks. By recognizing areas where your financial security might be at risk, you can strengthen your overall financial position, providing a more robust foundation for your retirement.

      The Importance of Professional Financial Advice

      You can seek advice from a professional financial advisor. They navigate the complexities of asset management, liabilities, and planning for retirement. Their expertise helped many Americans make proper decisions, optimize their financial strategies, and protect their assets. The right financial expert can be a trusted partner on your journey to a secure and prosperous retirement.

      Determining Your Retirement Net Worth

      Determining Your Retirement Net Worth


      Determining retirement net worth involves projecting future Income Sources, estimating expenses, and utilizing net worth calculators and tools. For those aged 65 to 74, these factors often relate to higher net worth. We’ll also employ a net worth calculator to assess how your net worth compares to the average net worth of Americans. To do this, subtract your current net worth from the average.

      Projecting Future Income Sources

      For determining retirement net worth, the starting point is to calculate your net worth, while simultaneously projecting future Income Sources. This involves assessing your retirement income, including sources like social security benefits, pensions, and other assets. By creating a clear picture of your expected income streams, you can better plan for a financially secure retirement.

      Estimating Future Expenses

      This step involves predicting the costs you’ll encounter in retirement. It covers everything from daily living expenses to healthcare and leisure activities. By calculating these future expenses, you can create a financial plan ensuring the net worth of Americans ages and your savings by age to support your desired lifestyle.

      In the world of making money online, your net worth is a critical measure of financial success. The article discusses the significance of understanding and enhancing your net worth for a secure retirement. With data from the Federal Reserve indicating that the average net worth of Americans aged 55 to 64 is approximately $1,175,900, the article emphasizes the importance of savings, investments, and various income sources.

      Factoring in Inflation and Longevity

      Inflation erodes the purchasing power of your money over time, while increased longevity means your retirement funds must last longer. By accounting for these factors, you can create a robust financial plan that ensures your income needs keep pace with rising costs.

      Using Retirement Calculators and Tools

      There are retirement calculators and free tools available to provide valuable insights into your financial future. By inputting your current financial details, expected income, and projected expenses, these tools can help you assess the ratio of saving and investing and tell whether your retirement savings align with your goals or not.

      Strategies to Increase Your Retirement Net Worth by Age

      Strategies to Increase Your Retirement Net Worth by Age


      Strategic planning is vital in your quest to increase your retirement net worth by age. It’s vital to address how much you need in retirement to lead a comfortable life. Here’s where assessing your financial health comes into play. You can easily compare your situation to the average net worth using SmartAsset’s free tool, factoring in the cost of living. For those concerned about a low net worth, implementing effective strategies is crucial to bridge the savings gap and secure your financial future.

      Maximizing Contributions to Retirement Savings Accounts

      One of the most effective tactics is maximizing contributions to retirement accounts. You can supercharge your savings by consistently channeling a significant portion of your income into retirement accounts such as 401(k)s and IRAs. This proactive approach ensures that you capitalize on tax advantages and compound your income saved over time. Don’t forget how important ROTH can be in your planning. How nice would it be to have TAX FREE income at retirement! The earlier you start ROTH contributions, the more TAX FREE distributions you will have.

      401Ks and IRA as an Investment Option

      It’s a smart move to explore 401(k)s and IRA as an investment option. You can make informed decisions about allocating your funds within these accounts and assessing how long your 401K will last, you can optimize your strategy and ensure your retirement accounts align with your age 65 and financial objectives.

      Diversifying Investments

      You can diversify your investments by spreading them across various asset classes to mitigate risk and maximize potential returns. By including a mix of stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets in your portfolio, you can build resilience against market fluctuations and position yourself for long-term growth.

      Delaying Social Security Benefits

      You can boost your monthly benefit amount by postponing your Social Security claim beyond the earliest age of eligibility (usually 62). This patient approach provides a more substantial income stream when you start claiming and ensures a more secure financial foundation for your later years.

      Exploring Alternative Income Sources

      Alternative Income Sources can bolster your financial security. This may involve income from rental properties, part-time work, or side businesses. By diversifying your income streams, you can reduce reliance on your savings, ensuring that your net worth tends to increase with age.

      Reducing Debt and Liabilities

      You also need to reduce your debt and loan balance so you can enter retirement with fewer financial burdens, allowing your net worth to provide you with greater financial security as you age.

      Monitoring and Adjusting Your Plan

      Monitoring and Adjusting Your Plan


      In securing your financial future, monitoring and adjusting your plan is an ongoing commitment. This entails periodically assessing your retirement strategy to ensure it stays aligned with your evolving needs and financial landscape.

      Regularly Reviewing Your Retirement Plan

      Life is dynamic, and your financial goals may change over time. So, you must consistently revisit your plan to ensure it remains on course. This allows you to adapt to shifting circumstances, optimizing your financial strategy to safeguard your wealth and providing peace of mind as you retire.

      Making Adjustments as Needed

      Your financial strategies must be flexible, too. As circumstances change, be prepared to modify your plan accordingly. This will ensure that your financial objectives remain within reach and that you can effectively respond to unforeseen challenges, thus safeguarding your wealth and securing a more stable retirement future.

      The Role of Asset Protection Attorneys in Safeguarding Net Worth in Retirement

      Within monitoring and adjusting your plan, it’s important to acknowledge the role of asset protection attorneys in safeguarding your wealth. These legal professionals specialize in preserving your assets, ensuring they’re shielded from potential risks.


      In the pursuit of a secure and comfortable retirement, understanding your net worth is crucial. We’ve explored various facets of this critical financial metric, delving into contributing factors, setting realistic retirement goals, evaluating your current financial situation, and determining your average net worth of people.

      Different strategies to increase your retirement net worth by age, including maximizing contributions to retirement accounts, diversifying investments, delaying Social Security benefits, exploring alternative Income Sources, and reducing debt, were also discussed. These strategies adapt as you age, ensuring your financial plan aligns with your evolving needs.

      Remember, your net worth goes beyond being a mere figure; it’s a reflection of your overall financial well-being and security. By implementing the insights and strategies we’ve discussed, you can actively strive to attain a net worth that guarantees you have what you need to retire comfortably, unburdened by financial concerns, and filled with unwavering confidence in your financial prospects.

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How to Find Your 401(K) Old Account & What to Do When You Find It

How to Find Your 401(K) Old Account & What to Do When You Find It

Have you changed jobs multiple times throughout your career? If so, you may have left behind a trail of old 401(k) accounts. While it’s easy to forget about these accounts, they could hide significant money contributing to your retirement savings.

Do you want to know how to find old 401k accounts and what to do with an old 401(k)? If so, you’ve clicked the correct link. Keep reading!

4 Proven Ways to Find 401(k) Old Accounts

Discovering your old 401(k) accounts can be easier than you think! Here are four tried-and-true methods to help you track them down. Let’s dive in and start reclaiming what’s rightfully yours!

  1. Make Contact With Your Former Employer
    The easiest and most obvious approach to locate your previous 401(k) funds is to contact your former employer. They can supply you with the appropriate information, such as the contact information for the plan provider and any applicable account numbers.
  2. Locate Old 401(k) Plan Statements
    You might be able to find lost 401(k) account statements if you keep track of your old financial documents. These statements typically provide extensive information about your account, such as the plan provider’s name, account number, and contact information. Also, examine your old emails and any digital folders where these assertions may be saved.
  3. Locate 401(k) Plan Information at the Labour Department
    If contacting your former employer or locating old plan statements fails to provide results, you might resort to the United States Department of Labour. The Labour Department keeps track of abandoned and unclaimed retirement funds in a database. For help, you can check their website or contact their Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA).
  4. Look for Unclaimed Assets in Databases
    Additional tools are available to find lost 401(k) in addition to the Labour Department’s database. Employers are obligated to disclose unclaimed retirement funds in some states’ unclaimed property databases. Search these databases using your name and the names of your past employers.

What to Do With an Old 401(K) – You Have 4 Choices

Congratulations! Now you know how to find old 401(K) accounts. But what should you do with it? Here are four alternatives to consider:

  1. Hand it Over to Your Former Employer
    You may leave your old 401(k) accounts with your prior company if they allow. This might be a convenient alternative, especially if you are happy with the plan’s investing options and expenses. However, remember that you won’t be able to contribute more to this account. Also, this account needs to be managed independently.
  2. Transfer it to Your Current Employer’s 401(k)
    If your current workplace has a 401(k) plan and enables rollovers, you may want to move your previous 401(k) money into your new account. This option streamlines your retirement savings by combining all your accounts into one. It also allows you to keep contributing to your retirement savings.
  3. Transfer it to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
    If you desire greater control and flexibility over your investing options, converting your 401(k) to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) may be the best option. IRAs provide a wide range of investment alternatives. Depending on your unique requirements and aspirations, you can pick between a standard IRA and a Roth IRA.
  4. Cash It In
    When it comes to what to do with an old 401(k), one of the most enticing options is cashing it out. But this should only be used as a last option when facing a financial emergency. Why? It’s because you might incur taxes and penalties on the amount removed. You also forfeit the possibility for your assets to grow tax-deferred or tax-free.

Finding old 401(k) accounts may be an exciting adventure that might increase your retirement funds. Following the tried-and-true strategies suggested in this blog article can boost your chances of recovering these misplaced valuables. When identifying it, carefully assess your alternatives and the suggestions mentioned here!

Remember that making educated decisions that match your long-term financial goals is critical. If you want assistance or have any issues, don’t hesitate to contact us at Self-Directed Retirement Plans LLC.

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5 Genius Ways to Earn Income During Retirement

5 Genius Ways to Earn Income During Retirement

Have you recently retired or are about to retire and wondering how you’ll earn extra money in your spare time? You might be surprised that thousands of folks like you face the same question. Just because you’re stepping away from your career and the workforce for good doesn’t mean your income-earning days are over.

Here are five excellent ways to earn money while in retirement.

Invest in Financial Instruments and Derivatives

Investing is one of the most effective ways to prepare for retirement. Often, pensioners retire with respectable nest eggs that they can use to ease the financial burdens of the next chapter in their lives. But what if you couldn’t invest in anything other than your 401k and a retirement savings account? Is it too late to start investing?

Fortunately, the answer is a resounding no. It’s never too late to get into stocks and other investment instruments. But I get it — retirement is supposed to be about living comfortably and not working too much. Day trading and capital appreciation-centric investing may not be the best things to do. Besides, technical trading might be too complicated, or you might not have time to study. So here are two simple financial instruments and derivatives that are perfect for retirees.

Collect Dividends

Let’s start with the classics. Stocks are shares of companies sold on public exchanges. Buying stocks makes you an owner of a very small part of the company you chose. And that makes you entitled to certain rights — including receiving a portion of the company’s earnings. These come as dividends, which are regular or irregular payouts to shareholders that act as a reward for buying the company’s stock. To be clear, when I say irregular, I mean that not every company regularly pays dividends to investors.

To earn extra income from your investments, you’d need to choose a quality company that pays regular dividends. Better yet, buy a stock with regular dividend payments that increase yearly. We have a few of those, classified into several categories for convenience, but two of the most popular are Dividend Aristocrats and Dividend Kings. This blog isn’t intended to give exact investing advice, but to point you in directions you may not have thought about previously.

For examaple Dividend Aristocrats are listed on the S&P 500 and have increased their dividend payments for 25 or more consecutive years. Meanwhile, Dividend Kings are companies that have increased their dividend payouts for 50 or more consecutive years. Companies on one of these lists are known for their reliability and impressive ability to maintain profitability despite economic turmoil. Investing in one or more of these stocks is like getting a yearly salary increase!

Options Trading

Options are financial derivatives based on stocks, indexes, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other financial instruments. The basic premise of an option contract is simple: you are either buying or selling the right to buy or sell an asset at a specified price within a specified time. If I were to boil it down, there are only four things to understand in options: buying calls, buying puts, selling calls, and selling puts. But you’d be surprised at how many ways these four simple functions can be applied to generate income! However, you’d need to spend a little time and effort learning the ins and outs of options trading before trying it. It would also be wise to seek professional help in the beginning until you become proficient on your own.

But the covered call strategy is very popular for those retirees committed to trying this income-generating derivative. It’s very easy to do: all you need to do is buy stocks, sell call options on the stock, and the premiums are yours to keep.

Act as a Consultant

If you’ve been working for decades doing something, chances are you’ve developed some proficiency with tasks related to your field. And when you retire, you take that with you. Suppose you’re lucky to have worked on something with widespread application (like being an electrician or a master carpenter). In that case, you might be able to apply those acquired skills to everyday life. But what if you worked on something specialized, like HR management or a legacy programming language? How do you use your decades-long work experience while getting paid for it?

Why, you offer consulting services, of course! Depending on your previous career, you can offer several types of consulting services:

  • Management Consulting: Management consultants can help guide companies through initial phases, transitions, or high-impact changes. They also assist with long-term planning and goal setting and can be invaluable in optimizing workflow processes and business structuring.
  • Human Resource Consulting: Similar to management consulting but focusing more on human resource management. This type of consulting covers talent acquisition, onboarding, training, development management, and employee engagement and retention.
  • ESG/Environmental and Sustainability Consulting: Environmentally conscious business models are getting increasingly popular. ESG (environment, social, and corporate governance) consultants help companies integrate sustainability programs, environment-friendly options, and responsible business practices into their operations while maintaining profitability and shareholder value.
  • Dating/Social Interaction Consulting: You didn’t think we’d be all about business here, did you? Dating or social interaction consulting is perfect for retirees who have developed razor-sharp social skills during their professional careers. You can offer clients ways to build confidence, initiate and maintain interesting conversations, improve their dating skills, and guide them to personal development.
  • Parenting/Child-raising Consulting: Parenting can be one of the most challenging and rewarding adult experiences, and a few people are willing to pay for expert guidance. After all, you can’t really put a price on raising a child the right way. Retirees with experience and the skills to relay their wisdom can offer parenting tips to those needing a helping hand.

Stream And Create Online Content

In 2011, a gamer named Shirley Curry created a YouTube channel. It took some time, but in 2015, she uploaded her first video where she plays The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The video was an immediate hit, with viewers loving the energy and enthusiasm she brought to her playthrough. Shirley would branch out a bit over the years, uploading videos of her playing games like ARK: Survival, Fallout 4, and Civilization V, but she always returned to her beloved Skyrim, which she’s still playing to this day. She also made a few vlogs, giving her fans updates about her life outside gaming. As of October 2023, her YouTube Channel has over 1,200 videos, 1.28 million subscribers, and over 28 million views.

Oh, yeah, and she’s also 87 years old.

Video game streaming and content creation aren’t exclusive to young people anymore. There are hundreds of YouTube channels run by retirees and octogenarians like Shirley. The good news is that you don’t have to limit yourself to video games, especially if that’s not your style. Feel free to explore your creative side and discuss anything you want. Here’s a quick list of things you might want to try with example channels.

Rent Out Extra Rooms or Properties

It’s a fact that your kids will one day grow up and move out of your home to live their own lives. Once filled with the excitement of children running around, your house might feel empty now, except for holidays and special occasions. While there are several ways to alleviate loneliness — getting a pet or two, for instance — one choice can get you the human contact you need and become a source of income: room rental.

It doesn’t have to be a room, although most people prefer that. You can go as small as beds pacing or as big as renting out your entire garage or floor. While you’re at it, you can look at the properties you’ve acquired over the years and see how you can use them. Don’t limit yourself to living spaces when renting out properties for garages, workshops, and parking spaces are all viable options. Prices for property rental vary by location, so be sure to check out local listings to get a good idea of how much to charge.

Profit from Handicrafts

Sometimes, the leisure activities you cultivate throughout your life can become great sources of income for your later years. If you’re good at calligraphy, knitting, pottery, jewelry-making, papercrafts, candle-making, and other handicrafts, you might just be able to find a market demand for your work. You can start as a made-to-order business or visit online marketplaces to sell your work.

You can also generate income by teaching a class or creating manuals or video tutorials on your chosen craft. The only practical limit to this type of business is your time and energy, which you can dole out as and when possible. Remember, you’re retired and don’t need to put your nose to the grindstone. But if you want to… nobody is stopping you.


Don’t limit yourself to these five ways to earn income during retirement. There are many more activities like the ones above, like pet sitting and renting out your car. Be sure to check your options, available resources, and the time and energy you will put into doing your thing. Just don’t forget to take the time to relax because that’s what retirement is all about.

How Long Will My 401k Last?

How Long Will My 401k Last?

When it comes to retirement, standard 401K investments typically make the most sense. You don’t have to pay taxes until you start withdrawing them and getting good investing chances. Still, retirement planning can be a daunting task for many of you. Especially when you are trying to figure out “how long will my 401k last.”

Well, there are a lot of factors that affect how long your money will last in retirement. This blog post covers the factors that affect the monetary security of your retirement, ways to calculate how long your 401k will last, strategies to make it last longer, some FAQs, and more.

So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

Factors That Affect How Long Will 401k Last

Trying to predict how long your retirement funds will last is not straightforward. Several angles come into play, and they can significantly influence the longevity of your investments. Some of them are:-

  1. Investing and Savings
    The amount you contribute and the sort of assets you select significantly impact how long your money last after retirement. Your retirement funds can last longer if you save more, invest properly, and achieve a greater return.
  2. Rate of Withdrawal
    The percentage of your funds that you remove each year is referred to as your withdrawal rate. The sooner your retirement funds are spent, the greater your withdrawal rate. As a result, it’s critical to maintain your withdrawal rate modest to make your savings last longer.
  3. Age of Retirement
    Your retirement age is critical in deciding the age of your retirement savings. The earlier you retire, the more years and money you’ll need to save to guarantee your retirement funds endure a long time.
  4. Average Life Expectancy
    Life expectancy is critical in deciding how long your 401(k) will endure. People are living longer lives thanks to developments in healthcare and medicine. As a result, you should plan for a longer retirement and save accordingly. You can also predict your life expectancy based on your health and family history.
  5. The Rate of Inflation
    Inflation is the rate at which goods and services prices rise over time. The buying power of your retirement funds is eroded by inflation. As a result, you must save more to keep up with the expense of living.
  6. Medical Expenses
    Healthcare costs might deplete your retirement funds. Health insurance premiums, deductibles, long-term health care, and other related expenses are significant in deciding how long your 401k will last. Given the escalating cost of healthcare, it is critical to budget for these costs.
  7. Expenses and Lifestyle
    Your lifestyle, habits, and priorities greatly impact how long your retirement funds will last. So, if you live a luxury lifestyle or have high costs, you must save more money to fund your retirement.

Ways to Calculate How Long Will Your Retirement Last

These are the proven ways to calculate how long your 401k will last you in retirement.

  1. The Rule of 4%
    According to the 4% rule, you can withdraw 4% of your retirement assets first year. In the following years, you can take out the same amount plus an inflation adjustment of 4%. However, this guideline may not apply to everyone. Also, your withdrawal rate may need to be adjusted depending on your circumstances.
  2. Mandatory Minimum Distributions
    RMDs (required minimum distributions) are the minimum amounts you must withdraw from your retirement funds once you reach a specific age. To calculate the RMD distribution period appropriate for your age, divide the entire value of your portfolio by the dividend period. This computation will determine your safe spending limit for the year.
  3. The Ceiling and the Floor
    According to the ceiling and floor technique of determining how long 401k will last, a maximum and minimum withdrawal rate is set to guarantee that your retirement resources endure your whole life. This method assists you in balancing your income demands while protecting your savings.
  4. Railings
    The guardrail technique recommends more complex mathematics, setting higher and lower restrictions on your withdrawal pace. When markets do well, withdrawal rates decline because you pull the same dollar amount from a larger portfolio. They grow when markets fall because the set dollar amount represents a higher proportion of the smaller portfolio.

Strategies to Make Your 401(k) Last Longer

Let’s move on to the strategies to make your 401(k) last longer.

  1. Making a Retirement Budget
    Creating a retirement budget will help you control costs and ensure your retirement assets last longer. With a budget, you can prioritize your expenses and prevent overpaying.
  2. Maximising Social Security Benefits
    Maximizing your social security benefits might provide a steady income stream throughout retirement. You may raise your monthly income and make your savings last longer by postponing your benefits and maximizing your retirement credits.
  3. Investing Diversification
    Diversifying your investments can help you minimize risk and boost your profits. You may balance your portfolio and lessen the impact of market volatility by investing in a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets.
  4. Controlling the Withdrawal Rate
    Managing your withdrawal rate might help you extend the life of your funds. You may maintain your assets and extend the life of your retirement accounts by keeping your withdrawal rate modest.
  5. Think About Annuities
    Annuities can provide a reliable source of income throughout retirement. Acquiring a grant may secure a regular income stream regardless of market conditions.
  6. Budgeting for Medical Expenses
    Planning for healthcare costs might help you avoid shocks and extend the life of your retirement resources. With the growing cost of healthcare, having proper insurance coverage and planning for anticipated medical bills is critical.
  7. Aim for Higher Profits
    Your company’s 401(k) investments are not your only alternatives. If you make enough money, try a Roth 401(k) to see how it impacts your savings. It’s usually better to start with pre-tax contributions because income from after-tax Roth contributions is tax-free at the age of 59 ½ if you’ve kept the account for at least 5 years.
  8. Keep Up With the Times
    There is a variety of information available, and experts often discuss reforms in publications, interviews, and blog postings. Keep track of changes in the financial world and future projections to make the most of your 401(k) assets.
  9. Think About Working After Retirement
    If everything else fails and your funds appear insufficient, continuing to work after retirement may be the only viable alternative. Try to make a decision long before you quit your career because it’s simpler to remain working than it is to return to it after a break!

Utility of the Retirement Calculator

So you would want to know how much money you’ll need for retirement and how long your current savings will last. Retirement calculators are available to assist you! Simply provide basic information such as your age, salary, savings, and intended retirement age. These calculators will then calculate how much money you will require in retirement.

They also include inflation, Social Security payments, and investment returns. It’s like having a personal financial counselor at your disposal!

Things to Keep in Mind While Using a Retirement Calculator

While retirement calculators can be helpful, they are not without flaws. Here are some things to think about before you rely on them.

To begin, keep in mind that calculators have restrictions. They cannot foretell the future and do not consider every conceivable situation. While they might be a useful beginning point, enhancing their findings with extra research and professional guidance is a good idea.

Furthermore, different calculators may make different assumptions about how long 401k will last based on investment returns, inflation, and life expectancy. As a result, using different calculators to compare findings and gain a better understanding of what to expect is a smart idea.

Retirement Calculators That are Widely Used

  • Covenant Wealth Advisors’ Retirement Calculator
  • Vanguard’s Retirement Nest Egg Calculator
  • T. Rowe Price’s Retirement Income Calculator
  • American Funds Retirement Planning Calculator
  • Fidelity’s Retirement Score
  • Flexible Retirement Planner
  • Bankrate Retirement Income Calculator
  • Personal Capital Retirement Calculator
  • Financial Mentor Ultimate Retirement Calculator
  • AARP Retirement Calculator

Consult a Financial Advisor

If you’re serious about retirement planning, consult a financial counselor. While retirement calculators and tools might be useful, they are not tailored to your specific situation. This is where a competent adviser may help by providing customized advice.

An adviser may provide continuing help, from exact information regarding how long your 401k will last to recommending investing strategies.
Book a consultation with our team now and breathe easy knowing your retirement funds are in good hands & your financial future is secured.

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How much money does an average individual require to retire?

When calculating how much you’ll need to retire, keep the 80% rule in mind. According to the 80% rule, you must replace 80% of your pre-retirement income. If you were earning $100,000 before retiring, you should be able to earn around $80,000 per year in retirement.

What proportion of my salary should I put up for retirement?

You should contribute at least 15% of your pre-tax income to your retirement savings account, often known as a 401(k). Because of your unique circumstances, the proportion you set aside for retirement may fluctuate. A retirement calculator can help you estimate how much money you’ll need in addition to Social Security.

What Is a 65-Year-Old’s Average 401(k) Balance?

According to studies, the average balance for 65-year-old people and above in the year 2021 with no debts was $283,439 in 2021.

Is $1.5 million enough to retire at the age of 65?

Depending on your retirement objectives and plans, $1.5 million is enough to take $60,000 annually for 25 years.


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How To Build Wealth In Your 20s

How To Build Wealth In Your 20s

Do you want to retire or be extremely wealthy early in your life? Building wealth in your 20s is one of the simplest methods to accomplish this. Because you are constantly learning from your mistakes, your 20s are the best years to set yourself up financially with minimal risk or downside.

Your financial experiences during this time are also crucial in helping you determine your money personality. But how to start building wealth in your 20s? Don’t worry. It doesn’t need to be complicated. However, it’s not going to be super easy either!

This post demonstrates how to use your 20s strategically, which can place you on a rapid but responsible path to wealth. Let’s get started.

Is it Possible to Make a Fortune in Your 20s?

Not only is it possible to accumulate wealth in your twenties, but it is also the best time to do so. You have the rest of your career ahead of you and more opportunities than ever before. Now is the time to devise a financial strategy.

Even if you don’t have student loan debt or average employment, you may start accumulating wealth by making wise financial decisions.

How To Build Wealth In Your 20s

Start Saving as Less as a Latte a Day and Retire a Millionaire at 65

Yes, it’s true! All you need to invest is $3 off your latte every day into a retirement account and you’ll have a million in your retirement account when you hit 65. This is the magic of compounding interest. A small trade-off today will pay off in a big way tomorrow. So open up a retirement account today, start investing and set yourself up for a stress-free and financially secure future. But before you get off to a good start, it is important that you know the types of IRA.

There are 5 major differences between both types of IRA and they include income limits, age limits, distributions, tax treatment and withdrawals.

Traditional IRA

  • With a traditional IRA, you will be able to save on taxes up front, but you’ll pay income tax on your contributions and earnings when you withdraw.
  • The required minimum distributions in a traditional IRA kick in when you reach age 70 ½. So you must take it even if there is no need because if you fail to do so, the IRS will forfeit half the RMD that is due.
  • The maximum contribution that can be made to a traditional IRA annually is $5,000 but those who are 50 years and older can contribute up to $7.000 and catch up.

Roth IRA

  • The contributions made to a Roth IRA are not eligible for tax deduction at the front end but all your withdrawals are tax-free.
  • The income phase-out limit for singles is $120,000 to $135,000 and for married couples is $189,000 to $199,000.
  • With Roth IRA, you can make contributions at any age without being subjected to the rules governing required minimum distributions.

Now let’s understand both types of IRA with an example. We will suppose that you contribute $5,000 every year to a traditional IRA starting at the age of 23 years and continuing until you reach 63 years of age.

Assuming that you are saving $5,000 for 40 years at a 10% rate of return, your traditional IRA will grow to $2,212,962. But you will pay income tax on each withdrawal.

Now if you fall in the tax bracket of 25%, every $100,000 withdrawal will actually come down to just $75,000. On the other hand, if the same amount is invested in a Roth IRA, it will still grow to $2,212,962, and all your withdrawals made after retirement will be absolutely tax-free!
While Roth IRA is clearly the wisest long-term investment in this case, regardless of your investment choice, your 20s are the perfect time to take charge of your finances. So start sooner and maximize your retirement ROI!

What are the Best Ways to Build Wealth in Your 20s?

It can be tough to figure out where to start when it comes to finances. But there are simple steps you can take to get on the right track. Here are 10 tips that can help you!

  1. Cut Back on Your Living Expenses
    First, consider your living expenses. Are you splurging on dining out or entertainment? If this is the case, consider reducing back on such spending. Perhaps you should downsize your living space, begin cooking more meals at home, or look for free or low-cost activities to do with friends. This will free up funds for your savings and investments.
  2. Start a Side Hustle
    Second, consider creating a side business. This can be a terrific method to supplement your income in addition to your normal employment. A side hustle, whether it’s freelancing, selling things online, or providing services to your community, can help you grow money.
  3. Reduce and Eliminate Debt
    Debt is one of the most significant obstacles you may face. High-interest debt is easy to amass, especially with credit cards. However, the truth is that it can eat away at your earnings. That is why it is critical to prioritize debt repayment as soon as feasible. This allows you to free up more funds for savings and investments.
  4. Invest for the Long Term
    Let’s talk about investments. Investing in stocks, bonds, or real estate can help you accumulate money over time. But, yes, there is always some risk involved. Thus, it is critical to invest in the long term. As a result, your money can grow over time. For the best outcomes, conduct your research and invest in a diverse portfolio.
  5. Create a Budget
    Making a budget is one of the most essential tips for growing wealth in your 20s! It’s an easy method to keep track of your income and expenses and identify areas where you might save money. By sticking to your budget, you’ll have more money for savings and investments.
  6. Build Your Savings
    A significant step towards accumulating wealth is to begin saving. Make a budget and determine how much you can save each month. Set up a direct deposit from your paycheck into your savings account to make this procedure easier. You won’t even have to think about it, and your savings will grow naturally.
  7. Find a Financial Mentor
    A financial mentor can help you make better financial decisions and develop wealth. Look for someone with experience in the areas you are interested in, such as investing, real estate, or business. Or, find someone who is interested in your success and is willing to share their knowledge and experiences with you.
  8. Contribute to Your Retirement Fund
    Another way to increase your wealth is to maximize your retirement funds. It’s never too early to start saving for retirement, even if you’re still in your 20s. As explained earlier in this post, you can invest in a 401(k) or an IRA. The sooner you begin, the longer your money has to grow and compound.
  9. Start Building Assets
    Assets, such as rental properties, investments, land, or a business, generate extra income for you. The first step is to investigate several possibilities and determine which ones are ideal for you based on your goals and risk tolerance. Remember that creating assets takes time. So don’t get disheartened if you don’t see immediate results.
  10. Focus on Increasing Your Income
    Focusing on raising your income is another method to build wealth in your 20s. There are numerous methods to accomplish this, such as getting higher-paying work, creating a side business, or investing in your education. You’ll have more money to save, invest, and grow assets if you earn more money.

Factors to Stay Away From While Building Wealth in Your 20s

While you must know the best ways to build wealth in your 20s, it’s also critical to understand what not to do! So keep a one-hand distance from the following!

  • Easily achievable goals
  • Raising lifestyle with every rise in income
  • Schemes that are too good to be true & promise to make you rich quickly
  • Not saving enough
  • Not taking chances

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Do I need a financial advisor in my 20s?

Speaking with a financial expert can be beneficial! They can assist you in developing a strategy to pay off debt, save for retirement, and invest intelligently. If you are just starting and don’t have much money, look for a fee-only advisor who works with young professionals. You may also get free financial advice sessions from your bank or workplace.

How much should I save for retirement in my 20s?

In your 20s, ideally, you should have close to $10,500 in your retirement accounts. And it can increase up to $38,400 till you reach your 30s. Don’t worry if you can’t save much in your 20s. Shift your focus to investing and saving for retirement as soon as possible. This allows you to benefit from compound interest.

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Leveraging Your 401(k) to Improve and Repair Your Credit Score: A Comprehensive Guide

Leveraging Your 401(k) to Improve and Repair Your Credit Score: A Comprehensive Guide

Having a good credit score is essential for financial success, as it plays a critical role in determining your eligibility for loans, interest rates, and even job opportunities.

But did you know that your 401(k) can be a powerful tool in improving and repairing your credit score?

In this blog post, we will explore the connection between your retirement savings and your credit health, providing actionable tips and insights on how to effectively use your 401(k) to boost your credit score.

Understanding Credit Scores and Their Importance

Understanding Credit Scores

Your credit score is a three-digit number that summarizes your creditworthiness based on factors such as payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, and types of credit accounts.

Credit scores range from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating better creditworthiness.

A good credit score is crucial for obtaining low-interest rates on loans, credit cards, and mortgages.

Lenders use credit scores to evaluate your financial reliability and determine your interest rates and credit limits.

Additionally, some employers, landlords, and insurance companies also use credit scores to evaluate your reliability and eligibility.

By understanding the factors that affect your credit score, you can take steps to improve it and unlock more financial opportunities.

How are Credit Scores Calculated?

Credit scores are calculated by three major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

They use a formula called FICO (Fair Isaac Corporation) to calculate credit scores. FICO considers five factors when determining credit scores: payment history (35%), the amount owed (30%), length of credit history (15%), new credit (10%), and types of credit used (10%).

  • Payment history is the most significant factor and includes timely payments, late payments, and delinquent accounts.
  • The amount owed considers credit utilization or the ratio of total credit used to total credit available.
  • The length of credit history accounts for the age of accounts, while new credit looks at the number of new accounts opened.
  • Types of credit used consider the mix of credit types, such as credit cards, loans, and mortgages.

By understanding how credit scores are calculated, it’s easier for individuals to improve their credit health.

The Impact of Credit Scores on Your Financial Life

It’s hard to overstate the significance of credit scores.

A high credit score gives you access to lower interest rates, larger credit limits, and better financial opportunities overall.

On the other hand, a low credit score can limit your financial options, resulting in higher interest rates, lower credit limits, and other challenges.

Your credit score can also affect your ability to obtain insurance, rent an apartment, or even land a job.

By taking steps to improve your credit health, you can unlock new financial possibilities, reduce your expenses, and achieve greater financial stability in the long term.

The Connection Between Your 401(k) and Credit Score

There are a few ways your 401(k) plan can impact your credit score.

First, taking a loan or withdrawing from your 401(k) can affect your credit utilization rate, which is a significant factor in determining your credit score.

When taking out this type of loan, the amount you borrow will appear on your credit report. If you fail to make timely payments, it could negatively impact your credit score.

In addition, a 401(k) loan interest rate is often lower than the interest rate on credit card debt, allowing you to pay off high-interest debt and boost your credit score.

However, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons before taking out a loan, as it can affect your long-term retirement savings.

The Indirect Impact of a Healthy 401(k) on Your Credit Score

A healthy 401(k) account can also indirectly impact your credit score in several ways.

For instance, having a healthy retirement account can give you peace of mind, which can reduce stress and improve your overall financial well-being.

Reduced stress levels can translate into better financial decision-making, including making timely payments, avoiding unnecessary debt, and reducing impulse purchases.

A healthy 401(k) account can enable you to get lower-interest loans, including mortgages, which can significantly lower your credit utilization rate and boost your credit score.

Lastly, having a well-funded retirement account can help you avoid using credit cards for emergencies, which can keep you from getting high-interest debt and hurting your credit score.

Strategies to Improve Your Credit Score Using Your 401(k)

Strategies to Improve Your Credit Score

If you are facing canceled debt, it can severely damage your credit score.

However, you may be able to leverage your 401(k) to remove canceled debt and completely avoid this situation.

Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Take a 401(k) loan: By taking a loan from your 401(k), you can pay off your canceled debt in full. This will not only remove the negative impact from your credit report, but it will also stop interest and fees from accumulating on the canceled debt. Additionally, by paying off your debt with a 401(k) loan, you will have a lower credit utilization rate, which can improve your credit score.
  • Increase 401(k) contributions: If you cannot take a loan from your 401(k), consider increasing your contributions to the plan. By doing so, you reduce your taxable income and increase your retirement savings, which can help you avoid future debt and strengthen your credit score.
  • Avoid withdrawal penalties: If you withdraw funds from your 401(k) before retirement age, you may face penalties and taxes, which can further damage your credit score. Make sure to avoid withdrawing funds prematurely and instead use your 401(k) in a more strategic way.

With these strategies, you can leverage your 401(k) to achieve financial stability in the long term.

Remember, a strong 401(k) plan is not only critical for your retirement but can also help you achieve your financial goals and protect your credit score.

Paying Off High-Interest Debt With a 401(k) Loan

Paying Off High-Interest Debt With a 401(k) Loan

If you are struggling with high-interest debt, taking a loan from your 401(k) plan can be a viable option.

By paying off your debt with a 401(k) loan, you can significantly reduce your interest rate and fees, which can save you thousands of dollars in the long term.

Moreover, by repaying your loan, you are essentially paying interest to yourself, not to a lender, which can boost your retirement savings.

However, it is important to consider the risks and benefits of taking a 401(k) loan, as it can reduce how much you have saved for retirement if you don’t pay it back.

Make sure to consult a financial advisor before making any drastic financial decisions.

Reducing Your Debt-to-Income Ratio Through Retirement Savings

Reducing Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

One of the critical factors in determining your creditworthiness is the debt-to-income ratio.

This ratio measures the amount of debt you have compared to your income. A high ratio shows that you may have trouble repaying debts in the future, which can negatively affect your credit score.

Retirement savings can help you reduce your debt-to-income ratio by increasing your income and decreasing your debt. By contributing more to your 401(k) or other retirement accounts, you can reduce your taxable income, thus lowering your debt-to-income ratio.

And the interest and earnings on your retirement savings can further increase your income, and it’s a smart way to help you pay off your debt faster and improve your credit score.

Building a Strong Financial Foundation For Future Creditworthiness

Building a Strong Financial Foundation

While current financial decisions such as paying off debt with a 401(k) loan can improve credit scores, it is equally important to plan for long-term financial stability.

One way to do this is by creating an emergency fund that can be used to cover unexpected expenses like medical bills or car repairs without having to rely on credit cards or loans, which can lead to spiraling debt.

Creating a budget can also help manage expenses and ensure that there is always enough money for bills and savings.

By establishing good financial habits and planning for the future, individuals can secure their financial well-being and ensure future creditworthiness.

Tips For Managing Your 401(k) While Repairing Your Credit

Tips For Managing Your 401(k)

Here are some tips to help you manage your 401(k) wisely:

  • Allocate your contributions into funds with low fees and high returns. By doing so, you can maximize your earnings and ensure that you have enough retirement savings.
  • Regularly check your 401(k) plan to ensure that it is on track to achieving your retirement goals. Consider using automated tools like portfolio performance reports generated by portfolio tracking tools and calculators to monitor your progress.
  • If you’re going to take out a loan from your 401(k) plan, get a professional financial advisor to help you plan it.

By following these tips, you can effectively manage your 401(k) plan while repairing your credit.

Balancing Debt Repayment and Retirement Contributions

Balancing Debt Repayment and Retirement Contributions

Debt repayment and retirement contributions are essential for repairing your credit score and securing your financial future.

Swiftly eliminating debt can help prevent accruing additional interest and fees while consistently contributing to your retirement fund ensures a secure financial future.

Navigating these priorities requires careful consideration and strategic planning.

The best strategy is to find a balance between the two. Experts recommend allocating at least 15% of your income towards retirement savings while also paying off high-interest debt.

By doing so, you can ensure that you are contributing to both goals and protecting your financial future.

Ensuring Timely Loan Repayments if Using a 401(k) Loan

Ensuring Timely Loan Repayments if Using a 401(k) Loan

If you decide to take out a loan from your 401(k) plan to pay off high-interest debt, it is essential to ensure timely repayments.

Failure to do so can have severe consequences, such as additional fees, taxes, and early withdrawal penalties. Missed payments will also negatively affect your credit score and reduce your retirement savings.

To avoid these issues, it can be a good idea to set up automatic payments from your paycheck to your loan or schedule reminders to make payments on time.

Also, consider paying more than the minimum amount due to repay the loan faster and reduce the overall interest and fees paid.

Monitoring Your Credit Report and Staying On Top of Changes

Monitoring Your Credit Report and Staying On Top of Changes

Your credit report is a summary of your credit history, and any errors or inaccurate information can hurt your credit score.

By regularly reviewing your credit report, you can catch errors and dispute them before they cause any damage.

Moreover, monitoring your credit report can help you stay aware of any changes in your credit score, such as decreases or increases.

If your credit score is improving, you can adjust your credit repair efforts to maintain momentum. However, if it’s declining, you can take more aggressive steps to repair your credit.

Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to credit repair, and monitoring your credit report regularly is a powerful tool in your arsenal.

Maintaining Good Credit Health Alongside Your Retirement Goals

Maintaining Good Credit Health Alongside Your Retirement Goals

Maintaining good credit health involves not only repairing your credit but also sustaining it in the long term.

To achieve this, it is essential to manage your debt effectively, make timely payments, and keep your credit utilization low.

Avoid opening too many new lines of credit, and regularly review your credit report to identify any errors or inaccuracies.

A healthy credit score can help you achieve your retirement goals faster by allowing you to secure the best rates on loans and credit cards.

Remember, good credit health is a vital component of a sound financial plan.

Establishing a Budget and Emergency Fund

Establishing a Budget and Emergency Fund

A budget provides a clear understanding of your income and expenses, allowing you to make informed decisions about your spending habits.

By creating a budget, you can identify areas where you can cut back on unnecessary expenses and redirect those funds toward paying off debt or contributing to your retirement savings.

Moreover, creating an emergency fund can provide a safety net in case of unexpected expenses or job loss.

Experts recommend saving at least three to six months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund to ensure that you can weather any financial storm without derailing your credit repair efforts.

Prioritizing Debt Reduction and Long-Term Savings

Prioritizing Debt Reduction and Long-Term Savings

With mounting debts, it can be daunting to think about saving for retirement, but both goals can be achieved simultaneously with the right strategy.

One way to prioritize debt reduction is to start with high-interest debts, such as credit cards or personal loans, and make extra payments to reduce the balance faster.

This will not only save you money on interest but also improve your credit utilization, thereby boosting your credit score.

Simultaneously, contributing to your retirement savings, such as maxing out your 401(k) or IRA contributions, can help you achieve long-term financial security.

Automatic contributions can help you stay on track and make saving effortless.

If you prioritize both debt reduction and long-term savings, you can ensure your financial future without sacrificing either goal.

Seeking Professional Advice for Personalized Financial Planning

Seeking Professional Advice for Personalized Financial Planning

While the tips mentioned above can be helpful in improving your credit score and securing your financial future, seeking professional advice can provide more comprehensive financial planning specifically designed for your situation.

Financial advisors can help you create a tailored plan that addresses your specific goals and financial situation.

They can analyze your budget, debt, and retirement savings, identify areas of improvement, and recommend strategies to achieve your objectives.

Plus, they can provide valuable insights on tax-efficient investing, estate planning, and risk management to ensure that you are well-protected against financial setbacks.

A financial advisor can help you make informed decisions about your financial future and gain peace of mind knowing that you have a plan in place.


While it may not seem immediately apparent, your 401(k) and credit score are more connected than you might think.

By understanding the relationship between these two financial factors and employing the right strategies, you can leverage your retirement savings to improve and repair your credit score.

As a result, you’ll enjoy greater financial flexibility and security, allowing you to work toward a bright and successful future.