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Solo And Company 401(K) Plans Explained

What Is an Individual 401(k) and Do I Qualify?

self directed 401(K) Most retirement planners or consultants rarely mention self directed 401(k) plans for their clients. The buzzword is always “self directed IRAs.” At Self Directed Retirement Plans LLC, we establish more self directed 401(k) plans than IRAs because we take the time to delve deeper and find which self directed vehicle is the right choice. The terms “solo k”, “roth k” and “personal 401(k)” are all synonymous.

If you are self employed, without full time employees, chances are you can qualify for your personal, self directed 401(k). Contributing to a “workplace” 401(k) plan does not preclude a personal plan. Therefore, if you work at a regular job and also have self employed income, you are allowed to have a personal 401(k). Your annual contribution limits for both plans must be adhered to, but you can contribute to both.

Learn more >> Why choose a self directed 401(k) plan?

Company Sponsored Self Directed 401(k)s

Company Sponsored Self Directed 401(k)sIf you have a company and wish to enjoy all the benefits of “solo” k’s, we are here for you.

Company sponsored self directed 401(k) plans offer the employer and the employees all the benefits of being truly self directed. We are one of a very few companies who understand and offer this to small business owners. We offer a complete and customized company sponsored, self directed 401(k) plan at very moderate prices. These plans are a wonderful recruitment and retention tool AND they allow the highly compensated employees to go “top heavy”. If you are a small business owner, please call or e-mail us for more information.